Glossary Fast Inventory Purchase Orders
  Forecast Releases
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Once you are logged in to MACtac's Business to Business Website, your session will remain open until you close your browser. You will be asked to log back in when you return. Only one session per computer should be open at any one time. Opening multiple sessions from a single computer could result in unreliable data.
1. At the top of every page, a status line directly under the words Current User will identify what information is being shown on the page.
(Example: The status line shown below denotes that you are in the Fast Inventory section of the website and are viewing the 7 Day Demand for Part 1204).
2. All underlined words represent links to detailed information.
3. The date ranges used display actions from the previous 30 days. The date range can be changed, and will change the views for all screens.
Fast Inventory
Provides all information required to manage raw material inventory. The Select by Facility view will display the facility, part and critical date. The Select by Part view will display the facility, demand, min & max, usage and critical date. Drill down further, by clicking on the part number or the facility name, and view trace id numbers and actual receipt dates for the material.
This section also provides a Vendor Inventory screen which allows vendors to track inventory located at warehouses other than MACtac facilities.
From the drop-down lists choose either a Facility or a Part (not both). Click the respective Select button.
The Vendor Inventory screen is available after selecting a part and then clicking on Vendor Inventory (Supply).
  • To update the total quantity of the part/location, enter the new total quantity and click the Update button
  • To enter a new warehouse location, enter the name in the Your Warehouse field, select a MACtac Part #, enter a Quantity and then click the Update button
Provides a 90 day forecast by part and facility that is updated on this website every 30 days.
From the drop-down lists choose either a Facility or a Part (not both). Click the respective Select button.
View invoice and statement information.
Click on either Unbilled, View All or the actual invoice number and click on the Select button.
This page displays a list of all invoices created within the last 30 days.
To change the date range, enter the new dates in mm/dd/yyyy format and click the Change Date Range button. (This button is found at the bottom of the page.) The date range will change for all screens.
View quantity, BOL, ship date, release id, release amount and received amount by PO and release for orders that have shipped to MACtac.
This page displays a list of all orders shipped to MACtac within the last 30 days.
To change the date range, enter the new dates in mm/DD/yyyy format and click the Change Date Range button. (This button is found at the bottom of the page.) The date range will change for all screens.
View receipt date and quantity for orders that have shipped to MACtac.
This page displays a list of all orders received by MACtac within the last 30 days.
To change the date range, enter the new dates in mm/DD/yyyy format and click the Change Date Range button. (This button is found at the bottom of the page.) The date range will change for all screens.
Purchase Orders
View open and closed purchase orders. Displays facility, PO, expiration date and PO price.
This page displays a list of all purchase orders created within the last 30 days.
To change the date range, enter the new dates in mm/DD/yyyy format and click the Change Date Range button. (This button is found at the bottom of the page.) The date range will change for all screens.
Provides the ability to view all releases, and to create releases against open purchase orders.
  • View
    1. Click on View Release
    2. From the drop-down list choose a purchase order number. Click the Select button.
    The releases page will show Pending Releases at the top of the page, and Completed Releases at the bottom of the page.
  • Create
    1. Click on Create Release
    2. From the drop-down list choose a purchase order number. Click the Select button.
    3. In the Create Releases page, enter the Qty and Date. Click the Create Release button. (The date reflects when the material should be shipped, and should be entered in mm/DD/yyyy format.)
    The releases page will show the newly created release in the Pending Releases section.
View usage history by part or by facility for the last 30 days. Drill down further, by clicking on the part number or facility name, and view trace id numbers.
From the drop-down lists choose either a Facility or a Part. Click the respective Select button.
To change the date range, enter the new dates in mm/DD/yyyy format and click the Change Date Range button. (This button is found at the bottom of the page.) The date range will change for all screens.
View part demand by day for the next 30 days. (Tip: You can bring this information into MS Excel by highlighting the text, and then copy and paste into Excel.)
From the drop-down list choose a Facility and click the Select button.
To change the date range, enter the new dates in mm/DD/yyyy format and click the Change Date Range button. (This button is found at the bottom of the page.) The date range will change for all screens.
7 Day Demand -Amount of material needed within the next 7 days by day; the need is determined by actual production orders
14 Day Demand -Amount of material needed within the next 14 days by day; the need is determined by actual production orders
30 Day Demand -Amount of material needed within the next 30 days by day; the need is determined by actual production orders
30 Day -Projected material need against forecast for the next 30 days
60 Day -Projected material need against forecast for the next 60 days
90 Day -Projected material need against forecast for the next 90 days
30 Day Usage -Amount of material used within the last 30 days by part and facility
Active -All material that is available to run in production
Bay -See Location
BOL # -Bill of Lading number
Completed Releases -Releases that have been shipped, but not necessarily invoiced
Critical Date -Date at which production levels will be affected if material is not on hand or in transit.
Available to Promise(ATP) = Inventory Qty - Min Qty + Intransit Qty.
Critical Date = ATP - (actual demand by day) until <0.
Date Shipped -Date material is to be shipped
Days to Expire -For consignment terms, number of days until material will come off consignment
Description -MACtac's description of the material
Facility -See Mactac Facility
Inactive -Material that is not made available to production. Example: inspect material.
Inv Qty Facility -Amount of active material that is at a facility
Last Consumed -Last time that an individual trace id has been consumed by date
Line # -MACtac's purchase order line number
Location -Physical location of material at facilities
Lot # -See Location
MACtac Facility -MACtac production
Max -Maximum amount of inventory at a MACtac facility
Min -Minimum inventory safety stock level at a MACtac facility
Month 2 Forecast -Forecasted material quantity for time period 30 to 60 days, does not represent a rolling forecast
Month 3 Forecast -Forecasted material quantity for time period 60 to 90 days, does not represent a rolling forecast
On Consign? -Y= Material by product and trace id that is on a consignment program
-N=Material that is not a part of a consignment program, has passed the expired date for consignment, or has been partially used
-U=Material that has been received, but is unbilled
Part # -MACtac's part number for the material
Pending Releases -Releases that have been created, but not shipped
PO # -Purchase order number
Qty in Transit -Amount of material currently in transit from a vendor to a MACtac facility
Qty on Hand -Active and inactive inventory at a facility
Qty Released -Amount of material previously released on this purchase order
Qty Remaining -Amount of material that is remaining to be released or received on a PO
Qty Shipped -Amount of intransit material that has been shipped from a vendor to MACtac
Receipt Amt -Amount of material that is received on a PO by release
Receipt Date -Date material is received at a facility
Received Qty -Actual quantity of received material
Release # -MACtac's release number
Release Amt -Amount released on a release id
Required -Demand
Row -See Location
Ship Date -Actual date the material will ship
Shipped Amt -Quantity shipped
Shop Order -MACtac order number that is scheduled for production
Start Date -Shop oder start date
Tappi ID -Vendor identification number
Terms -Number of days that consigned material will be on consignment. Begins at receipt date.
Tier -See Location
Total Usage -Amount of material that is physically used in MACtac production. Measured by the individual part and trace id.
Trace ID -MACtac identification number
UOM -MACtac's specified unit of measure for the material
Vendor Inventory (Supply) -Vendor's material located at an outside warehouse that will be used to supply MACtac facilities. Not included in MACtac's inventory amounts.
Usage Date -Actual date material was used
Warehouse -Vendor supported location that is used to store material that will be supplied to MACtac facilities.
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